Learn to Meditate

Learn to Meditate

Walk the Path of Kriya Yoga

Learn to Meditate - The Path of Kriya Yoga

"The soul loves to meditate, for in contact with the Spirit lies its greatest joy." - Paramhansa Yogananda

In this workshop we will walk you through all the basic principles of meditation which will lay the foundation for your spiritual life. We will share Paramhansa Yogananda’s teachings on meditation, how to calm the body and mind and how to direct your awareness inwardly so that you may experience a touch of the peace and joy which resides inside yourself!

This class is equally good for those who have never tried to meditate before or those who would like to re-energize and re-inspire their practices.

You will find these teachings both practical and effective, ideal for the day and age in which we live.


  • Lear to relax, concentrate, and energize the body and mind
  • Learn a simple yet powerful technique for meditation
  • Feel happier and more at peace with yourself
  • Improve your health, mental clarity, and vitality
  • Build inner strength for difficult times
  • Stay calm and release stress & fear
  • Book “Lessons in Meditation” included with class fees
You may save your spot online or register at the venue given above.

After registration you will receive details to join the class.

This class will be in person only.

The Path of Kriya Yoga

Teachings of Paramhansa Yogananda

Kriya is taught at Ananda Sangha just as Paramhansa Yogananda taught it — as a comprehensive spiritual path. Its effectiveness has been experienced by thousands of dedicated Ananda Kriya Yogis, from all walks of life, religion, and nationality.

The Path of Kriya Yoga course has 4 stages / Levels – Lessons in Meditation & Energization, The Art and Science of Raja Yoga, Guru / Disciple Relationship and Preparing for Kriya Yoga.